There's two ways to do this - with one heck of a purse, and inexpensively.
For the big price tag wedding, a beautiful mermaid dress and a designer bridesmaid dress start this off right. The invites - custom passports with the photo of both of you! The cake? Uh! A Sylvia Weinstock globe, with little sugar 'pins' for each place you've been. The favors, beautiful umbrellas of five major cities - the ones you'll be using for the reception - each table at the reception is a different place (Paris, London, New York, etc), and they are marked by beautiful ice sculptures with the icon of the city (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Statue of Liberty, etc). Top it off with an outdoor reception under a tent with Parisian-striped linens! What a wedding (for only $23,272).
On the sly - what a great dress and gown find - and tons less. Passport invites from Invitations by Dawn, and luggage tags of major cities as the favors. The cake, a little more of a cartoony rendering of the globe, and just as nice a Parisian reception, but saving huge on no tent, and cutesy statuetts of the city icons! Not bad at $4,534.50!
{Rebekah} Love of Travel: Love Around the World - by bekahross on