In order to add accent to a bouquet of gorgeous Ecuadorian roses, Kevin Sharkey, Martha's editorial director of decorating, added 3 different methods of glittered roses.
Now, first breath, sounds a little funny, but believe me - they are amazing. Add a couple of these accented flowers to your bouquet (don't feel limited to roses) and it adds some amazing bling without the price tag.
There were 3 methods used to decorate these flowers (watch them in this video).
1. Spray the roses with a diluted glue and shake on glitter (matching color shade).
2. Brush diluted glue to the tips of the roses and shake on glitter (matching or slight contrast).
3. Dot on clear glue and shake on glitter (matching or contrast - you pick!).
The results are fantastic. Martha herself remarked that the third method made the roses look decorated with real jewels. And with bouquet bling being so popular right now, here's a fast and simple way to add such beauty without a massive cost.