The colors for this spring are lovely. The eight colors are: fuchsia red, salmon rose, palace blue, lucite green, super lemon, dark citron, lavender, vibrant green, slate gray, and rose dust.
Lovely! And for you fall brides out there, the colors for this fall are: American beauty, purple heart, honey yellow, iron, burnt sienna, nomad, rapture rose, warm olive, majolica blue, and creme brulee.
Ok, now you've seen the colors, and I bet you're saying to yourself, "self, what do I do with these colors?" First, start playing with them! Websites like Polyvore and More Alive with Color let you play around with color combinations and start making inspiration boards for your wedding. These boards come in great when you're meeting with your wedding planner, rental company, invitation company, florist - everybody. So grab your magazines and scissors or hunt the web, and make a wedding that fits your color scheme.
A couple ways to use these colors include monotones (or analogous tones) based on one or two shades, and using complementary colors (colors opposite of each other on the color wheel). What's a color wheel?
This is...
So get out there and start playing around. Get your fiance involved, and you'll find your fashion style will come out as well as you start putting things together on your color board. To get you going, here's my own color board using spring's hottest colors!
Green Wedding - Color for Spring 09 by bekahross on
Happy Planning,
Rebekah Ross
Platinum Weddings and Events