All right your brides and grooms who want a fab-o wedding with a low-low cost, here's the secret - do it yourself! I know, I know, you're not Martha, but it doesn't take 30 years of experience to make it right with all the DIY (do it yourself) how-to sites there are on the internet. In the below polyvore are projects I found on DIY sites or from folks who make DIY kits. Like whom? Well, let's start with the queen, Martha Stewart. She makes these awesome template for weddings, you just download, customize, print, voia-la! ( Other great sites are and You can also find videos on these sites and on things like making bouquets and pomanders (those flower balls):
Want to see what others have done? Check out, they often have DIY challenges and the entries include step-by-step instructions. And what about those kits I mentioned? Both
Target and
Michael's both make a crap-load of DIY wedding kits, like invitations - I bought mine at Target and they came with everything I needed, including sample phrases. They also make DIY favor boxes - great to fill with custom
m&m's, and more. Are you the ultimate DIY'r? Wonderful wedding gown patterns are available from
Vogue, Butterick, and McCall's, and your local fabric store is full of folks who can help.
So don't be shy. Pull out the glue gun and pliers, and grooms, be manly, lots of these projects use fun tools!!