After more Googling, I finally took a look at Madonna's most recent wedding to Guy Ritchie. They had a very royal-esque wedding in a Scottish castle. Madonna wore a mid-1800's style gown, the men wore kilts, and it was very private and family-centered. Many of the reviews of the wedding were "Madonna looked like a princess". More like Madonna wanted to be a queen. A-ha! There's the theme! Madonna did a faux 1800's royal wedding. How about an little more modern version of that?
My wedding is, what if a couple wanted a royal wedding, but here in the states? But not all "hey, lookey, we have a no-monarchy" tint to it.
First, the gown. This dress screams royal to me. It's beautiful, has very fluid lines, does that sexy off-the-shoulder look that is a demure sexy, and is all corset-y. Oh yeah, I'm jazzed. Let's add some more lavishly royal feel to this. How about that bouquet? The color is amazing, is from the calla lily family, love it. The ring is a modern creation with a Renaissance inspiration. The earrings are diamond balls, lush.
The cake is a replica of Princess Diana's wedding cake, but a little tighter construction. My favorite part of the cake are the "gold" rings that cover the pillars separating the layers. It's wedding without screaming wedding. The tiara is a photograph of Queen Mary's tiara, made for her in 1913. Unfortunately, so not for sale. But there are so many great tiara shops out there, including Swarovski, Princess Bride Tiaras, and David's Bridal.
But the king and queen's wedding isn't complete without the beautiful wedding space. My favorite chain of lux weddings is the Fairmont, and here in Seattle area, we have the Olympic Fairmont Hotel. There's three photos in my collage of the hotel, one of the grand staircase, one of the garden, and one of a beautiful suite. If you can do it, the Olympic Fairmont or the Empress Fairmont (in Victoria, BC), are such dreamy locations. The Victoria hotel even looks like a castle and has views of the bay.
Lastly, the royal wedding needs a royal reception. Chandelieres, flowers, and drapery abound in this wedding. The colors of the bouquet are brought out with lighting, and a lovely seated dinner tops it off.
Ok, I want to win the lottery now so I can have this wedding.
{Rebekah} King and Queen (Madonna Theme): Royal American by bekahross