For many brides, they want to convey their 'style' at the wedding, but some find themselves wondering what their style is. Personally, I haven't a clue what my style is. I just know I like something when I see it. I recently bought a book by Colin Cowie titled "Weddings", which I got at an uber cheep price of $7.99 - and trust me, this is one hell of a book.
Colin addresses style in this tome, and he defines it in a way I think every bride can embrace: "True style is a sense of self, a confidence and graciousness that is evident to everyone you come into contact with. It means knowing yourself, what works for you and what doesn't. True style also relates to how we treat one another. It means behaving with consideration and respect towards others. One your wedding day, true style means creating a personal environment to share with the people who are closest to you, and making every single guest as welcome and as comfortable as possible." I think that's something we can all work with.
some camera love
9 years ago