Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Birthday Bash

Today is my fiance's birthday! And this brought up an interesting question in my mind - what do couples do for birhtdays when they are trying to make a wedding budget work and don't have lots of other money lying about? Well? Ideas?

First thing is for you and your fiance to talk about birthdays in relation to your overall couple's budget, and when putting aside money for the wedding how to make sure you both feel special on your own day. Come up with a plan you both can feel happy with - and be totally honest with each other. If you really don't want to go see a movie on your birthday, than don't lie to make your partner feel like you do. But keep in mind, if you and your fiance are wanting a posh wedding and are making some sacrifices to do so, don't be greedy on your birthday, and don't expect your partner to do a big all-out for you and get into a hissy if he or she doesn't.

Bottom line - communicate. This one word will help you and your partner have a much healthier marriage, and a happier one.